Mane Highlights for Friday December 6, 2013

Hear Me Roar!:  Happy Friday and Happy St. Nicholas Day!  Don't forget to leave your shoes out so the jolly old saint has something to fill with candy when he comes.

An intense week (see pregnancy countdown below) that I am happy to see come to a close.  This week's reflection dissects a few of the issues that caught my attention from the recent attack on the Cathedral in Argentina.  The Chic of the Week takes a look at a counselor's letter to his own daughter and to all women who need to hear the message that they are valued and worthy of interest.

        Reflection of the Week: A Few More Good Men
After hearing quite a lot about the unpunished criminal activity of the attendees of the National Women's Encounter in Argentina, I decided to share some reflections.  Continue
For more reflections:

          Chic of the Week: A Daddy's Words
As women we often struggle with our own self worth and value. We are inhibited by hurtful and unencouraging voices from our past, or perhaps by the absent words that were never spoken.  Counselors have repeatedly noticed the patterned behavior of women who have unresolved issues with their own father figure constantly entering into one destructive relationship after another in their adulthood.  Continue
For more on Motherhood:

You might be pregnant if: 6 Weeks to go
This week has been a pregnancy roller-coaster.  I had an early labor scare at four in the morning, which resulted in a late night hospital visit.  It ended up being some sort of food poisoning but they feared it could kick in early labor.  Some monitoring and fluids and I was sent home for R&R.

Pregnancy + Active Toddler + Food Poisoning = Big Yucky Mess

I leave you with this until next week: Story of St. Nick

A strange man lived in a Turkish town*
His coat a sunset red
His beard so white
Like a snowy night
And, so the legend said:
His heart burst with so much love
That he almost seemed aglow
Vowed to spare no cost
On the poor or lost
He'd help them, but they'd never know

It was him, Saint Nick
Who healed the sick
At heart, with a special surprise
Sacred rites
When the North wind bites
Bringing fuel to delight the eyes
With treats in boots, for destitutes
For mothers in widow black weeds
Children with sorrows
Or lonely tomorrows
anyone else in need

He gave orphans warm wool stockings
For the shivering, gifts of coal
Oranges, sweet, for the invalids
Piled high in a serving bowl
Candles for sullen windows
Gold for the empty purse
Puddings for barren cupboards
A blessing instead of a curse

It was him, Saint Nick
Who healed the sick
At heart, with a special surprise
Sacred rites
When the North wind bites
Bringing fuel to delight the eyes
treats in boots, for destitutes
For mothers in widow black weeds
Children with sorrows
Or lonely tomorrows
Anyone else in need

There's a generous hand
In a Christmas land
That touches us all a bit
So if moved to give
please throw off the lid
of the spirit of Good Saint Nick

Cause the spirit of Nick
He heals the sick
At heart, with a special surprise
Sacred rites
When the North wind bites
Bringing fuel to delight the eyes
Treats in boots, for destitutes
For mothers in widow black weeds
Children with sorrows
Or lonely tomorrows—
Anyone else in need

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