Real Food Heals

A Great Book and Resource for Healthy Pregnancy

My husband had to do a full health screening at work this year, which will be a yearly event in determining each employees cost for health benefits.  The better you score on the screening, the less you pay.  Money of course is always a big incentive to change diet and lifestyle if nothing else has motivated a person!

After passing his screening with flying colors some of the other employees were questioning him about his diet and lifestyle, which they know are very different.  One young man who presented very high cholesterol levels talked to my husband and he told him that he also had high cholesterol and was able to change it with diet alone.  He offered the man a one month challenge, stating that if he followed this diet he would see a significant drop in his cholesterol level without medication or any other intervention.  

Is it truly amazing how food is our first source of health and disease prevention and how eating the wrong foods can cause the same effects on our body as taking the wrong medication.  Over the last several days I have listened to many great talks online, presented for free by Underground Wellness (I posted the link on the LOD FB page).  Check out the site for a heads up on upcoming free presentations so that you can stay updated on the best underground health information.    

The Real Food Conference featured health experts, doctors, nutritionists, as well as passionate real food promoters who all had excellent information on living a healthy and disease-free life. It was exciting to hear some of the information that my husband and I have been transformed by in our own diets and have seen countless others transformed by confirmed in the conference.  Such things as the ability to heal the thyroid with food, lose weight by cutting out bad fat and adding good fats, the importance of liver, organ meats, and grass-fed meats, lowering cholesterol through diet alone, reversing autoimmune diseases and IBS, taking the right supplements, avoiding GMO foods, embracing fermented foods, increasing energy, reducing inflammation, and increasing mental clarity!

These should all be important issues to us, especially as we feed our families and nurture our bodies through pregnancy and as we age.  As Dr. Tom O' Bryan stated, "every forkful either causes or reduces inflammation."  Here are some quick notes from the conference that I hope will benefit you as much as they did us!

Real Food Conference Notes:     

  • For the first time in recorded history our youngest generation has a shorter projected life span than the generation before them due to environmental exposures and lifestyle choices (New England Journal of Medicine.)
  • The most common food allergy today is gluten. A gluten free diet changes lives:
  • Many popular supplements do the opposite of what they promise:
  • Coconut Oil, Real Butter, Lard, and 100% Pure Olive Oil are good fats and should be consumed regularly and used in cooking.  Vegetable oils should be avoided like the plague.  The book Toxic Oil by David Gillespie explores this in depth.
  • Lupus, Alzheimer's, and Cancer develop in your 20's and 30's and deteriorate cells until they present degenerative symptoms later in life.  This can be tested and treated early on.
  • Liver and organ meats provide the highest concentration of protein and enzymes
  • Much of the cholesterol information that we are still using today is outdated and untrue. The book Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore uncovers the truth and helps repair levels 
  • Free range eggs are great EVEN for those with high cholesterol 
  • Thyroid patients should avoid soy and gluten at all costs.  Here is a wonderful article by one of the presenters:
  • The "dirty dozen" are the most important fruits and veggies to buy organic if you can:
There is so much more information that was covered, but I wanted to at least direct you to some good sites and references.  Learn more at Underground Wellness

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