Mane Highlights for 8-2-2013

Hear Me Roar!: My great accomplishment for the week is getting one of my articles published in the print edition of 'I Am Modern' Magazines Best of DC Suburbs 2013 Issue for Aug/Sep!  The article is called 'Bone Broth for Baby' and gives a brief overview of how my husband solved all of his gastrointestinal problems simply by changing his diet, and how that has changed our lives, the way we eat, and the way we feed our family.  As soon as the magazine updates their site for August, I will be able to link directly to the article.  In the mean time, I have scanned it so that you can get a sneak peak and still read the content!  Hope you enjoy :)
        Read My Article: Bone Broth for Baby
Gastrointestinal reflux disease and your diet.  The Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet can transform one's health and life.  There is a connection between diet and brain/body functions...Continue

        Reflection of the Week: Four Simple Changes for Big Health Results!
We are always searching for ways to improve our diets and our health.  Mothers are increasingly aware that in this fast-food society, what we put in front of our family to consume will have a lasting effect on their ongoing overall health.  Studies are supporting greater evidence that our eating habits as children determine adult obesity, diabetes, and heart troubles more than genetics. Continue

For more reflections:
Gallery Piece of the Week: Milford Sound Kayaker 
It's true - this kayaker is me!  Talk about being humbled by your surroundings and the beauty of God's creation around you.  Here I am in the midst of one of the most beautiful bodies of water in New Zealand; Milford Sound, majestic mountains looming over my small kayak under a beautiful blue sky.  This picture is the best I can do to describe the feeling.

To see more works:
It turns out that there are major setbacks, for the parents that is, who feed their child nutrient rich foods from day one.  Breast-milk, bone broth, homemade yogurt, whey, and cottage cheese, fresh-pressed juices, slow boiled chicken, coconut oil, cod liver oil, olive oil, probiotics, whole butter...we have produced a SUPERHUMAN!  Continue

For more on Motherhood:
With summer trips back and forth to the beach and the pool, this is must-have info for those of us who were not lifeguards.  It is so true that we base a lot of our perceptions on what we see in the movies, from birth to accidents such as drowning.  The reality of these life events is in actuality quite different than that on the silver screen and this is too important not to know if you have children.  Continue

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