Mane Highlights for 8-16-2013

Hear Me Roar!: This week has been the scariest week of my life as a parent thus far.  As you know, children put everything in their mouth and often literally "bite off more than they can chew" when eating.  We as parents are on constant guard of what goes in their mouths and try to be as fast as possible in fishing anything too big or dangerous out. 

My 9 1/2 month old began choking this week and his airway was completely blocked, requiring me to give him Infant First Aid for Choking.  I hope none of you ever have to be in this position, as it was the scariest few minutes of my life.  Thank God for His infinite mercy and protection and that I remembered Infant First Aid for Choking when the terrible moment occurred   Please make sure that you know this if you have a child under one: Infant First Aid for Choking and CPR and this for children over one: First Aid for Choking and CPR.

        Reflection of the Week: The Second Gianna Beretta
The heroic love of a mother's heart continues in another Italian woman by the name of Chiara Corbella who died on June 13, 2012 after declining cancer treatments to save the life of her unborn child. Continue

For more reflections:
       Chic of the Week: Mouths of Babes

For more on Motherhood:
Medicinal Foods: Coconut Oil & Alzheimer's

If you read my article two weeks ago: Four Simple Changes for Big Health Results, then you remember Coconut Oil being #1 for the many benefits listed in my post.  You also may be interested in this CBN News broadcast about how a doctor was able to reverse her husband's Alzheimer's symptoms by adding coconut oil to his diet.  The broadcast highlights a new drug for Alzheimer's patients, which uses the same idea as coconut oil but with ketones ten times stronger.  Unfortunately there is no profit in manufacturing this ketone ester and therefore no funding.  
Check out: Conquering Alzheimer's with Coconut Ketones

Reflections Update: Mystery Priest Revealed 
Last week my Reflections piece was titled: Angels Among Us? and reported on a Missouri crash and rescue that involved a mystery priest.  That priest has now come forward as Fr. Patrick Dowling.  Fr. Dowling was on his way back from celebrating Mass and was able to stop approach the accident scene and anoint the trapped girl.  Fr. Dowling may not have turned out to be the angelic vision everyone hoped he would be, but he says that he is still mystified by the fact that two rescue workers head the same voice say to remain calm and that the tools would now work.  Fr. Dowling said that after the anointing, “I didn't say another word.  I did not say anything like the machinery would begin to work or they would succeed in getting her out of the car.”  The priest said, “That did not come from my lips, though two people heard it.”


  1. How scary to have to administer CPR on your child! Thanks be to God you all are ok.
    3-2-1 Party

  2. We had to do that with our son when he was a bit older. We now routinely practice chewing
