Could this be....Pregnancy!

As I end my first trimester, I thought this would be a fun way to announce the expectation of baby #2!  It is still amazing to me to consider that I am actually pregnant because of the vast difference between this pregnancy and my first.  Mothers always tell you that every pregnancy is different, but after nine months of terrible nausea all day, every day, I assumed that this was just my body's way of dealing with the changing pregnancy hormones and that I would most likely have to endure this through each.

In my first pregnancy I alarmingly shed pounds as if I was on a crash diet, mostly because I had an aversion to everything that resembled food, and anything that I thought I could stomach sought to prove me wrong.  My poor husband had to prepare his own meals and eat them standing up under the exhaust fan on the kitchen stove for fear that the aroma would send me running to the bathroom.

This first trimester however has not warranted one morning sickness emergency and I find myself able to cook and eat most of the same things I normally do.  There is however one exception....wheat!  We try to eat a limited gluten diet in our house, but for some reason I crave gluten and see bread dancing in my head at all times.  French bread, Panera bread, Italian bread, pizza crust, Strombolis, you name it!  I just look at my husband now and he says, "you want to order a pizza, don't you?"  I am haunted by Mac & Cheese, grilled cheese, and waffles!  With the way this pregnancy is going I am fearful that my "dough baby" as my midwife says will come out looking like the Pillsbury Dough Boy (or girl).

Thank God for bodies that naturally adjust to hormones and hopefully retain excellent muscle memory in labor ;)


  1. Aw, congratulations, and I'm glad you are feeling better this pregnancy!!

    1. Thanks Nina! With having to care for a little one, I don't know how I would have dealt with a pregnancy like the last one.

  2. Congratulations, Kim!!!!! :) So exciting! Glad to hear that you are feeling better this time around! - Evie

    1. Thanks Evie! Can't wait till we are sharing this together :)

  3. Isn't it amazing how different the pregnancies are? I was so worried with this one that something was wrong because it was so different. Congrats! Here's to a happy, healthy next 6 months, and a few loafs of bread won't hurt :-)

    1. I agree! Point me in the direction of the nearest Panera.
