Mane Highlights for Friday April 11, 2014

Hear Me Roar!: Women have been the focus of nearly every recent political headline, as the gender pay gap has become the hot issue and carrot on the stick luring women to the midterm polls in November.  Women however must avoid the temptation to join the rabble rouses without looking into the convoluted facts and how the solutions to shrink the gap may indeed be compromising free choice in the workforce.  I lay out the issues in the reflection of the week.     

        Reflection of the Week: Family Over Fortune
Equal Pay Day, Executive Orders, The Paycheck Fairness Act!  This sounds like a page out of Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged.  Is there any real truth to women being undervalued and underpaid in comparison to their male counterparts in the workforce, or are these fabricated lies to win votes?  Continue

For more reflections:

An Eye for an Eye
This could quite possibly be the best apology/get well card any kid has ever given!  My son and his Godfather were rough-housing and as a result his Godfather walked away with an eye patch and a corneal abrasion.  We got creative and made him this card to apologize and hopefully give him a good laugh!  

I leave you with this until next week:

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