My Resolution

I have never been one for making New Year's Resolutions.  I suppose it has always seemed silly to me to have to come up with a cliche resolution to share when asked, especially considering that making such a resolution simply because the calendar year has changed hardly ever produces real results.  Apparently only 8% of the 45% of Americans who regularly make New Year's Resolutions are successful in achieving their resolution.  

It's not that I am not in need of resolution, and quite the contrary find that I need personal improvement and resolution daily rather than yearly!  This personal journey toward goodness and holiness requires constant vigilance and a humbling self-awareness that is difficult in light of our pride as human beings.  At these times I am thankful for the Examination of Conscience and particularly the Responsibilities to God and Spouse for married persons.  It is so hard to convict ourselves of faults and even harder to ask others to honestly give an accounting of our faults.  The proverbial little devil on our shoulder is always telling us that we are being too hard on ourselves and really should lighten up.  Surely we are not all that bad and when we look around at others we can feel quite good about our own lives.

Enter Holy Spirit!  This is the moment above all that we need the wisdom and conviction of the Holy Spirit to give us the gentle yet honest truth about our faults and need of resolution.  As a Catholic woman I am refreshed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) and can begin my January 1st anew whenever and as often as I need to!

This beautiful daily prayer called The Litany of Humility has helped me to face some difficult situations, particularly in surrendering when my pride says not to let go.  It does not always come naturally to us to put others first.  Perhaps this is also why most New Year's Resolutions involve the individual wanting to improve something about themselves such as their body image and appearance, rather than doing something charitable for others.  

Reflection and resolution are necessary.  Hopefully we are being constantly changed and bettered interiorly by our resolutions.  As well, may our personal changes constantly overflow to the benefit of others through our charity of heart.  May Jesus grant us the grace to desire it.  


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