Mane Highlights for Friday January 31, 2014

Hear Me Roar!: The birth of a new baby always brings a whirlwind of change, adjustment, and crazy hormones!  We are so thankful for a healthy birth and baby, which I recount in Birth Story #2.

        Reflection of the Week: The Importance of Memories
I have always been somewhat of a sentimental person, saving special cards, letters, and pictures from loved ones and dear friends throughout the years.  These scraps of memories eventually pile up in a box in my closet and become overwhelming when considering all of the plans I had for arranging them appropriately.  Continue

For more reflections:
       Chic of the Week: Birth Story #2
Another punctual little boy!  Both of our sons decided to come as scheduled on their due dates despite little to no previous warning all day long.  This little one waited until dinner time to begin making himself known. Continue

For more on Motherhood:

Dynamic Quote: Birth

“There is a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. 
It’s that women are strong.” 
~ Laura Stavoe Harm

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