Mane Highlights for Friday November 1, 2013

Hear Me Roar!: A very happy Halloween to all.  I hope you saw some costumes that made you laugh and melted your heart.  Our little snoopy got quite the reaction when neighbors opened their door to his floppy black ears, and it was a lot of fun to experience that with him.  

Because I love hearing birth stories so much and have never shared my first birth story, I decided to do so this week as we celebrate his birthday!

        Reflection of the Week: Sometimes You Get the Bear and Sometimes the Bear Gets You
I have often heard it said that if you encounter a bear in the woods you don't have to be a fast runner, just faster than the guy next to you.  I reflected on this over the course of the week because we often have a similar mentality when encountering our spiritual lives. Continue
For more reflections:
Chic of the Week: Birth Story #1
As we celebrate our son's birthday and reflect on all of the joy and happiness he has brought into our life, I decided to share as I remissness. Continue
For more on Motherhood:
Who Knew?: Pumpkins Grow on Trees
I did a double take when I first saw these "pumpkin trees."  At first I thought they were fake, but the fact that they were in water led me to take a closer look.  Sure enough, these miniature pumpkins are in the eggplant family and naturally grow on trees.  What a cool live decoration for our Fall festivities! 

Dynamic Quote: Confused Yet?

Happy Halloween: Wishing You Treats!

From our pumpkin family to yours!

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