Mane Highlights for 8-09-2013

Hear Me Roar!: Allow me to take you from the miraculous to the deeper introspective sides of yourselves through the highlights for this week..but don't worry, there's a treat at the end!  Greatly sleep deprived this week due to a teething and generally disgruntled kiddo, my husband and I have clung to the notion of "Friday."  It is amazing how T.G.I.F. will always be true, yet no so much because Steve Urkel comes on at 9PM, but rather because you can be asleep at 9PM and not have to get out of your pj's till noon.  It is no longer a restaurant booth with clinging wine glasses but the last day of a countdown to not carrying the load at home alone!   

        Reflection of the Week: Angels Among Us
When all else fails, many of us would do what 19-year-old Katie Lentz did after being trapped in her Mercedes due to a head on collision, and that is pray.  After an hour and a half of rescue workers trying to get Katie out of the mangled Mercedes, it seemed that she was failing and that they may lose her.  Katie's voice rose from her trapped position in the wreckage and asked the rescue workers if they would pray with her.  Continue

For more reflections:
Project of the Week: Beaded Brooch
This beaded brooch is a simple way to add some extra style to your clothing piece or to disguise a hole without throwing the garment out!
To learn how:        
        Chic of the Week: Childfree Maternity?

I would say that like many American women raised after the women's liberation movement had taken hold of the country, I had a rather sinister outlook on having children by the time I was a teen.  The expectation of women to marry and have children seemed to be the last rigid societal standard that pigeonholed females, barring them from achieving their dreams and accomplishing their pursuits.   Continue

For more on Motherhood:
Check it out!: Mocha Cookies & Cream Milkshake 
I heard it was coming and something about the word "mocha" gets me every time!  I had to at least try the New Mocha Cookies & Cream Milkshake from Chik-fil-A that came out on August 5th and like all good things, is here for a limited time!  If you are in the mood for a chocolaty treat with a hint of mocha and some crunchy Oreo goodness, then you will love this.   

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