The Glory of Sons
"Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of sons is their fathers" (Pr 17:6).
Each day when I get the call from my husband that he is on his way home from work, my son and I go sit out on the front porch waiting to see his car pull up. Even though our son is only seven months old, he gets so excited as soon as he sees my husband nearing the porch. He begins jumping up and down in my lap and in the midst of his squealing and laughing, he tries to jump out of my arms towards his father. This love and appreciation is a wonderful reward for my husband after putting in a hard day of work. The beauty of a child's love is that it is given freely and without regard to what happened during my husband's day, how good it was, or how successful he is.
Our little routine is reminiscent of when I was a little girl waiting on the stairs for my dad to get home each day. I remember waiting excitedly on the top stair and as soon as he walked in, I would launch myself in the air for him to catch me, often having to drop the things in his hands to do so. There is something so exciting about seeing your dad walk in that door each day. It is part of our security as children and begins to build that structure that we come to expect from our family environment.
It is funny now to see how excited my dad gets when he sees our son, hardly able to wait for the car to pull up into the driveway. He has all the old classic books and movies stashed up for our kids and can't wait for camping, fishing, and hunting trips!
Family can be a beautiful progression through the years and I am truly blessed to have experienced my father's love as a child, my husband's love as father to our child, and now my father's love as a grandfather. I pray to someday be blessed to see that same progression extend to my son's fatherhood and my husband's experience as a grandfather.
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